Fuzor 2020
Collaborate in real-time inside the model. Get a shared understanding of the project across the team and stakeholders.
Connecting with your team-members and stakeholders early in the process has never been easier. Discover potential problems and challenges before they happen. Decisions during collaborative reviews can be performed and documented in accordance with ISO19650. This reduces the number of costly problems and error corrections down the line in the project.
Up to 90% reduced decision-making time in projects. A clear understanding makes it easier to make decisions everyone understands and can be comfortable with. It reduces risk and helps everyone sleep better at night.
You will see contributions to the Tripple Bottom Line: Lower cost through saved time and fewer mistakes. More environmentally sustainable projects, by shortening the building process and limiting on-site waste and less travelling activities. Workers will experience less frustration from slow processes, poor decision making and sleepless nights.